Tečaj spada sa Cyriax edukacijom u temeljne tečajeve na osnovu kojih ćete nadograđivati svoja klinička i znanstvena znanja u mišićno koštanoj i neurološkoj rehabilitaciji uz pažljivu superviziju rada sa pacijentima.
Međunarodni tečaj Maitland Level 1 – 13 generacija, – 9 ECTS
Mjesto održavanja: Poliklinika Fizioderma, Gustava Krkleca 38,
Instruktor: Rene Bakodi , PT, OMT ( Austria)
Vrijeme održavanja: Level 1
- tjedan : 19.10.- 23.10.2025 (lumbar spine, hip, cervical spine)
- tjedan : 26.1.-30.1.2026 (shoulder, patient treatment, thoracic spine,
addition lumbar and cervical spine, Neurodinamika) - tjedan : 22.3.-26.3. 2026 (SIJ, knee, foot, patient treatment, addition
shoulder) - tjedan : 9.6.-13.6. 2026 (elbow, hand, TMJ, kraniomandibularna
disfunkcija, revision spine, patient treatment)
HKF : boduje
Jezik: engleski s prijevodom na hrvatski
Prijave i informacije na : upefhr@gmail.com, Mob: 098-9655435
The Maitland Concept
Kompletna edukacija iz Maitland koncepta traje 11 tjedana po 5 dana i raspoređena je kroz 4 stupnja
Level 1 ( 4 x 5 dana)
Level 2A ( 2 x 5 dana)
Level 2 B ( 2 x 5 dana)
Level 3 ( 3 x 5 dana)
The Maitland concept is one of the most important of Orthopaedic Manipulative Therapy which aims to rehabilitate nerve-musculoskeletal dysfunctions and movement impairments.
The IMTA offers an 11 weeks postgraduate manual therapy program. The program includes four modular courses that form one level each: level 1, level 2a, level 2b, and level 3.
In a number of countries, the IMTA course system forms part of the orthopaedic manual therapy education (OMT) according to the IFOMT standards (International Federation of Orthopaedic Manipulative Therapists).
The main goal of the IMTA courses is to teach physiotherapists a method that allows for a general problem solving and management approach of patients with movement dysfunctions of the neuromusculoskeletal system, based on the principles of the Maitland®-Concept.
During all IMTA-courses participants evaluate and treat patients under clinical supervision.
This is a key advantage over other methods eg Kalteborn – Evjienth, which have separate practice (supervision).
So in Maitland’s method, both valuable time is saved and cost is reduced since the clinical practice is included to the courses.
Included in the course are patient demonstration sessions (course teacher examines and treats a patient).
The Maitland Concept also encompasses, and is driven by, the available scientific and clinical evidence and the biopsychosocial framework of each individual patient. The analysis, interpretation and specific treatment of movement dysfunctions of the joints and the neural tissue, based on a peripheral neurophysiological model. The basic manual therapy assessment and treatment of joints and neural structures with a patient-centred and problem based approach. Examination, evaluation and treatment of movement dysfunctions based on the principles of the Maitland-Concept® of Manual Therapy (Level 1). The safe and effective application of the MaitlandÒ-Concept in the assessment, examination and treatment of patients with mit neuromusculoskeletal dysfunctions. Another 3 levels are required to complete the concept (level 2a – 2 5days, level 2b – 2 5days & level 3 – 3 5days).
The participants, who attend successfully the basic level of the Maitland concept, are able to continue their education to the advanced levels. During all IMTA-courses participants evaluate and treat patients under clinical supervision – one patient per two participants. This is a key advantage over other methods eg Kalteborn – Evjienth, which have separate practice (supervision).So in Maitland’s method, both valuable time is saved and cost is reduced since the clinical practice is included to the courses.
Level 2a (two weeks).
Conditions of Participation: IMTA Certificate of Attendance of a level 1 course (4 weeks). A minimum of 6 months of clinical experience is required between Level 1 and Level 2a courses
General Objectives – learning outcomes
Understanding the material of Level 1
Understanding in-depth the Maitland concept.
Perform at an acceptable standard to level 2a all vertebral and peripheral examination and treatment techniques including the relevance of functional demonstrations, differentiation testing, the use of combined movements and the use of compression, throughout the level 2a course (upgrade and revision). Demonstrate in-depth assessment and management of neurodynamics with the related theoretical knowledge. Show an understanding of selected clinical syndromes.
Level 2b (Two weeks).
Conditions of Participation: IMTA Certificate of Competence Level 2a. A minimum of 6 months of clinical experience is recommended between Level 2a and Level 2b courses. General Objectives – Learning outcomes: Further understanding of the material of the Level 1 and Level 2a. The critical appraisal of the basic principles of the Maitland Concept such as the principle of “making features fit” within a context of clinical pattern development. Advanced skills in the examination and treatment of the neuromusculoskeletal system using a problem orientated approach with the generation and testing of multiple hypotheses. Spinal manipulation (Grade V) with knowledge of related indications and contra-indications. Advanced assessment and treatment of neurodynamic problems relating to the theoretical part and documentation. The basic principles of dynamic control or stability of the spine.
Advanced understanding and knowledge of neurophysiological pain-mechanisms, related clinical patterns and implications for assessment and management. Assessment and management of selected clinical syndromes such as cervical and lumbar instability. Advanced Clinical Reasoning.
Level 3 (Three weeks)
Conditions of Participation: IMTA Certificate of Attendance (Level 2b). A minimum of 6 months of clinical experience is recommended between Level 2b and Level 3 courses.
General Objectives: Understanding in-depth the material of level 1, level 2a and level 2b. Advanced pain management and clinical reasoning including secondary prevention, psychosocial assessment and specific pathobiological risk factors. Management from a multidimensional perspective, with regards to pathobiological, cognitive, affective and behavioural aspects. The principles of assessment and treatment of dynamic control of the pelvis, hip region and knee region. The assessment and management of craniofacial dysfunctions and related pain syndromes. The assessment and management of selected clinical syndromes (e.g. Shoulder-instability, Shoulder impingements, Lumbar Stenosis, Cervicogenic Headache). Upgrade, update and revision of cervical instability. Upgrade, update and revision of spinal manipulation (high velocity thrusts) Advanced skills in Clinical Reasoning in patient assessment and management