Maitland Level 2 A, 2025/26, 6. generacija

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Vrijeme održavanja:

1. Tjedan: 4.11. – 8.11.2025

2. Tjedan:  24.2. – 28.2.2026
Jezik: Engleski  – prijevod na hrvatski
Bodovano od HKF
Mjesto održavanja : Poliklinika Fizioderma, Gustava Krkleca 38,  Zagreb 
Instruktori : 
1. Thomas Horre , MSc, PT, OMT-DVMT®, IMTA Senior Teacher
 ( Njemačka)
 2. Rene Bakodi , PT, MMSPT, OMT-OVMT®, IMTA Teacher 
 ( Austrija)
 Prijave i info na :
Assessment and Treatment of Disorders of the Movement System based on Principles of the Maitland-Concept® of Manipulative Physiotherapy (Level 2a)

At the end of a level 2a course participants will have gained increased competencies and be able to:
Describe with confidence what is meant by the Maitland-Concept of manipulative physiotherapy by demonstrating a standard of patient care, handling skills and recording which is deemed acceptable throughout the level 2a course.
Demonstrate in-depth assessment and management of neurodynamics with the related theoretical knowledge.
Show an understanding of selected clinical syndromes by being able to recognise and describe the related clinical patterns as well as demonstrate appropriate assessment and management which is acceptable to a level 2a standard
Perform at an acceptable standard to level 2a all vertebral and peripheral examination and treatment techniques including the relevance of functional demonstrations, differentiation testing, the use of combined movements and the use of compression, throughout the level 2a course (upgrade and revision)
Specific Objectives– Contents
At the end of a level 2a course the course-participants will understand and be able to explain and apply extended elements of the Maitland-Concept, as listed as follows:
Specific details of the Maitland Concept
Differentiation testing including “functional demonstration”, specific testing of the lumbar vertebra (Lx), shoulder, elbow, hand, foot, knee
Theoretical knowledge, assessment and treatment of neurodynamic problems
The use of compression and its application to intra-articular disorders
The biomechanics of the spine
Assessment and treatment of the lumbar and cervical spine using combined movements
Lumbar syndromes
T4 syndrome
Anterior Knee pain
Cervicogenic headaches. Revision, upgrading of practice of all joint-complexes
Confidential Assessment of performance
Specific Objectives– Contents
At the end of level 2a Candidates for the IMTA certificate of competence at level 2a is able to:
Demonstrate safe and effective examination, treatment and assessment/reassessment of two patients during 4 consecutive sessions including the performance of a comprehensive patient interview, relevant physical examination and accurate management strategies and progression of treatment techniques in each case. Use reflective practice to justify clinical decisions made when discussing the patient sessions with the course leaders. Perform, accurately, at least three examination or treatment techniques from level 1 or level 2a on the course leaders and to discuss the clinical application of the treatment techniques, including the clinical indications, precautions and contra-indications. Document following aspects of each treatment technique: the model/patients starting position, the therapists starting position, the localisation of forces, the grade, speed, rhythm and duration, communication with the model/patient.
You can find more informations in web site
Time Schedule ( 1 week)
Day 1
08.30 Revision of the Maitland concept
10.30 Cont. Revision and upgrading of P/E Lx and Rx
13.00 Patient Demonstration
15.00 Revision and upgrading of Neurodynamics Nerve Palpation techniques
17.30 End of day 1
Day 2
08.30 Theory: Anatomy of the Nervous system (NS) Practical: Neurodynamics Theory: Biomechanics of the NS
10.30 Revision of palpation (Cx anterior) and movement diagrams
13.00 Patient Demonstration
15.00 Patient treatment by participants
17.00 End of day 2
Day 3
08.30 Theory: Pathophysiology of the Nervous System and Clinical presentation Practical: Neurodynamics
10.30 Neurodynamic Treatment principles
13.00 Patient demonstration
15.00 Patient treatment by participants
17.00 End of day 3
Day 4
08.30 Evidence for Neurodynamic treatments Practical: Progression of Neurodynamic treatments
10.30 Practical: Neurodynamic treatments
13.00 Intra articular disorders: P/E and Rx with compression
15.00 Patient treatment by participants
17.00 End of day 4
Day 5
08.30 Biomechanics of the spine Practical: Various techniques based on clinical examples
10.30 Treatment with combined movements
13.00 End of day 5

Uključite se na webinar “Zdravstveni djelatnici u borbi s COVID- 19“

Kako se zdravstveni radnici nose s COVID-19? Kako izgleda svakodnevni rad s pacijentima za vrijeme COVID-19? Boje li se zdravstveni radnici COVID-19? Kako se nositi sa strahom od zaraze? Može li cijepljenje utjecati na plodnost žena i muškaraca? Smiju li se žene koje doje cijepiti? Smiju li se trudnice cijepiti?

Devet komora u zdravstvu, u sklopu kampanje Imaš znanje, budi primjer! organizira webinar “Zdravstveni djelatnici u borbi s COVID- 19”.  Sudjelovanje na webinaru je besplatno, a na njega se možete uključiti u četvrtak, 18. veljače u 18 sati

Želim se prijaviti na webinar:
Nakon prijave u četvrtak ćete na mail dobiti link za uključenje u webinar.

Na početku webinara će specijalist ginekologije i porodništva  Boris Ujević, prim.  kroz intervju koji će voditi Vesna Štefančić Martić,, dati odgovore na ključna pitanja o cijepljenju trudnica ili dojilja te o tome utječe li cijepljenje na plodnost žena ili muškaraca.
Sudionici webinara su fizioterapeutkinja Iva Lončarić Kelečić, dipl. physioth., radiološka tehnologinja Monika Likić, mag. radiol. tech., predstojnica Katedre za zdravstvenu i kliničku psihologiju s Odsjeka za psihologiju Filozofskog fakulteta u Zagrebu, Anita Lauri Korajlija, glavna sestra Klinike za infektivne bolesti dr. Fran Mihaljević, Danijela Miše, i primalja Banana Kunina, bacc.obs.

Moderatori webinara su dr. sc. Biljana Kurtović, magistra sestrinstva i dopredsjednik Hrvatske komore fizioterapeuta Zoran Filipović, bacc. physioth.

Ako niste pogledali prvi webinar “Vrhunski hrvatski stručnjaci o cijepljenju protiv COVID-19”, koji je organiziran krajem siječnja u sklopu javnozdravstvene kampanje “Imaš znanje, budi primjer!” možete ga pogledati ovdje

Organizatori javnozdravstvene kampanje “Imaš znanje, budi primjer!” su Hrvatska komora dentalne medicine, Hrvatska komora fizioterapeuta, Hrvatska komora medicinskih biokemičara, Hrvatska komora medicinskih sestara, Hrvatska komora primalja, Hrvatska komora zdravstvenih radnika, Hrvatska liječnička komora, Hrvatska ljekarnička komora i Hrvatska psihološka komora.

Pokrenuta javnozdravstvena kampanja Imaš znanje, budi primjer!

Naša institucija podržala je javnozdravstvenu kampanju „Imaš znanje, budi primjer!“ koju je pokrenulo osam zdravstvenih komora, a čiji cilj je dodatno informirati zdravstvene djelatnike o važnosti i svim aspektima cijepljenja protiv virusa SARS-CoV-2.

Nositelji kampanje

Nositelji ove kampanje su Hrvatska komora fizioterapeuta, Hrvatska komora dentalne medicine, Hrvatska komora medicinskih biokemičara, Hrvatska komora medicinskih sestara, Hrvatska komora primalja, Hrvatska komora psihologa, Hrvatska komora zdravstvenih radnika,  Hrvatska liječnička komora i Hrvatska ljekarnička komora. Kampanja je započela provođenjem ankete među članovima komora o stavovima o cijepljenju. Javnozdravstvena kampanja će trajati četiri mjeseca i pratiti proces cijepljenja zdravstvenih radnika. Logo kampanje je IgG protutijelo kao simbol imunološkog odgovora protiv SARS-CoV-2 virusa.

Sadržaji kampanje

Uz mrežnu stranicu kampanje koja će biti dostupna javnosti sljedeći tjedan, kampanja se sastoji od komunikacije i objava na društvenim mrežama zdravstvenih komora (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube), edukativnih video filmova, webinara za zdravstvene djelatnike, blogova eminentnih stručnjaka različitih profila u zdravstvu, cijelog niza odgovora na pitanja o cijepljenju, objava u masovnim medijima te tekstova u komorskim glasilima kao i plakata u zdravstvenim ustanovama.

Podržavatelji i zagovaratelji kampanje

Ova kampanja ima brojne podržavatelje i zagovaratelje,  a radi se o najvišim državnim institucijama, obrazovnim institucijama, udruženjima različitih profila zdravstvenih radnika, kao i mnogim eminentnim hrvatskim i svjetskim stručnjacima i znanstvenicima. Popis podržavatelja i zagovaratelja možete vidjeti na dnu stranice.

Cijepljenje predstavlja najuspješniju javnozdravstvenu mjeru koja spašava i spasila je više ljudskih života od bilo koje druge medicinske intervencije u povijesti medicine!

Na zdravstvenim radnicima je najveća odgovornost. Zdravlje je područje njihove kompetencije i stručnosti.

Imate znanje, budite primjer! Cijepite se!

Podržavatelji kampanje „Imaš znanje, budi primjer!“ do sada su:

Ministarstvo zdravstva Republike Hrvatske

Hrvatski zavod za javno zdravstvo

Hrvatska agencija za lijekove i medicinske proizvode

Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu

Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Splitu

Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci

Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Osijeku

Farmaceutsko-biokemijski fakultet

Hrvatski liječnički zbor (HLZ)

Hrvatsko društvo za infektivne bolesti HLZ-a

Hrvatsko epidemiološko društvo HLZ-a

Hrvatsko farmaceutsko društvo

Hrvatsko imunološko društvo

Hrvatsko društvo za medicinsku biokemiju i laboratorijsku medicinu

Hrvatski liječnički sindikat

Sindikat fizioterapeuta i radnih terapeuta Hrvatske

Hrvatska udruga bolničkih liječnika (HUBOL)

Udruga za promicanje edukacije fizioterapeuta

Koordinacija hrvatske obiteljske medicine (KOHOM)

Medicinska škola u Rijeci

Zdravstveno veleučilište Zagreb

Zagovaratelji kampanje su: Ana Barač,

Marinela Burek, primalja

Ivan Brtičević, , bacc. physioth.

prof. Jerka Dumić, Ivan Đikić,                        

Zoran Filipović, bacc.physioth.

Mario Gazić, Magdalena Grce                 Danka Grčević,

Ana Gverić Grginić, Maja Jakševac Mikša, mag.pharm. Stipan Jonjić, Vanda Juranić Lisnić, Vladimir Krajinović, Astrid Krmpotić,

Banana Kunina, bacc.obs. Pero Lučin, Krešimir Luetić,

Željana Margan Koletić, mag.pharm. Igor Mezić  

dr. sc. Nikica Mirošević Škvrce, mag.pharm.

Tomislav Perica, mag. physioth

Iva Podhorsky Štorek, bacc.obs. Bojan Polić, Kristijan Ramadan,         Marija Santini, Vlatko Silobrčić, Marko Skelin, mag.pharm Mihaela Skobe, mag.biol.mol.

Ana Soldo, mag.pharm.

Saša Srića,                             

Martina Šepetavc, mag.pharm.

Ivana Šmit, dr. med. Tihomir Štefanec,      Darko Takač, mag.pharm. Janoš Terzić, Andrej Trampuž, Lana Videc Penavić, dr. med. Siniša Volarević,  

Jasminka Vugec Mihok, mag.pharm.

prim. Boris Ujević, Domagoj Vučić, Oliver Vugrek, mag.biol.mol                            Felix Wensveen, dipl.biolog.

Nove aktivnosti

Maitland Level 1   rujan 2025  –  13 generacija 

Tečaj spada sa Cyriax edukacijom u temeljne tečajeve na osnovu kojih ćete nadograđivati svoja klinička i znanstvena znanja u mišićno koštanoj i neurološkoj rehabilitaciji uz pažljivu superviziju rada sa pacijentima.

Međunarodni tečaj Maitland Level 1 – 13 generacija, – 9 ECTS

Mjesto održavanja: Hotel Antunović, Zagrebačka avenija 100,

Instruktor: Rene Bakodi , PT, OMT ( Austria)

Vrijeme održavanja: Level 1

Nova generacija krajem 9 mj 2025

HKF : boduje

Jezik: engleski s prijevodom na hrvatski

Prijave i informacije na :, Mob: 098-9655435 , ( stranica je još u izradi ali se već mogu pratiti nadolazeće edukacije )


The Maitland Concept

Kompletna edukacija iz Maitland koncepta traje 11 tjedana po 5 dana i raspoređena je kroz 4 stupnja

Level 1 ( 4 x 5 dana)
Level 2A ( 2 x 5 dana)
Level 2 B ( 2 x 5 dana)
Level 3 ( 3 x 5 dana)

The Maitland concept is one of the most important of Orthopaedic Manipulative Therapy which aims to rehabilitate nerve-musculoskeletal dysfunctions and movement impairments.
The IMTA offers an 11 weeks postgraduate manual therapy program. The program includes four modular courses that form one level each: level 1, level 2a, level 2b, and level 3.
In a number of countries, the IMTA course system forms part of the orthopaedic manual therapy education (OMT) according to the IFOMT standards (International Federation of Orthopaedic Manipulative Therapists).
The main goal of the IMTA courses is to teach physiotherapists a method that allows for a general problem solving and management approach of patients with movement dysfunctions of the neuromusculoskeletal system, based on the principles of the Maitland®-Concept.
During all IMTA-courses participants evaluate and treat patients under clinical supervision.
This is a key advantage over other methods eg Kalteborn – Evjienth, which have separate practice (supervision).
So in Maitland’s method, both valuable time is saved and cost is reduced since the clinical practice is included to the courses.
Included in the course are patient demonstration sessions (course teacher examines and treats a patient).
The Maitland Concept also encompasses, and is driven by, the available scientific and clinical evidence and the biopsychosocial framework of each individual patient. The analysis, interpretation and specific treatment of movement dysfunctions of the joints and the neural tissue, based on a peripheral neurophysiological model. The basic manual therapy assessment and treatment of joints and neural structures with a patient-centred and problem based approach. Examination, evaluation and treatment of movement dysfunctions based on the principles of the Maitland-Concept® of Manual Therapy (Level 1). The safe and effective application of the MaitlandÒ-Concept in the assessment, examination and treatment of patients with mit neuromusculoskeletal dysfunctions. Another 3 levels are required to complete the concept (level 2a – 2 5days, level 2b – 2 5days & level 3 – 3 5days).
The participants, who attend successfully the basic level of the Maitland concept, are able to continue their education to the advanced levels. During all IMTA-courses participants evaluate and treat patients under clinical supervision – one patient per two participants. This is a key advantage over other methods eg Kalteborn – Evjienth, which have separate practice (supervision).So in Maitland’s method, both valuable time is saved and cost is reduced since the clinical practice is included to the courses.

Level 2a (two weeks).
Conditions of Participation: IMTA Certificate of Attendance of a level 1 course (4 weeks). A minimum of 6 months of clinical experience is required between Level 1 and Level 2a courses
General Objectives – learning outcomes
Understanding the material of Level 1
Understanding in-depth the Maitland concept.
Perform at an acceptable standard to level 2a all vertebral and peripheral examination and treatment techniques including the relevance of functional demonstrations, differentiation testing, the use of combined movements and the use of compression, throughout the level 2a course (upgrade and revision). Demonstrate in-depth assessment and management of neurodynamics with the related theoretical knowledge. Show an understanding of selected clinical syndromes.

Level 2b (Two weeks).
Conditions of Participation: IMTA Certificate of Competence Level 2a. A minimum of 6 months of clinical experience is recommended between Level 2a and Level 2b courses. General Objectives – Learning outcomes: Further understanding of the material of the Level 1 and Level 2a. The critical appraisal of the basic principles of the Maitland Concept such as the principle of “making features fit” within a context of clinical pattern development. Advanced skills in the examination and treatment of the neuromusculoskeletal system using a problem orientated approach with the generation and testing of multiple hypotheses. Spinal manipulation (Grade V) with knowledge of related indications and contra-indications. Advanced assessment and treatment of neurodynamic problems relating to the theoretical part and documentation. The basic principles of dynamic control or stability of the spine.
Advanced understanding and knowledge of neurophysiological pain-mechanisms, related clinical patterns and implications for assessment and management. Assessment and management of selected clinical syndromes such as cervical and lumbar instability. Advanced Clinical Reasoning.
Level 3 (Three weeks)
Conditions of Participation: IMTA Certificate of Attendance (Level 2b). A minimum of 6 months of clinical experience is recommended between Level 2b and Level 3 courses.
General Objectives: Understanding in-depth the material of level 1, level 2a and level 2b. Advanced pain management and clinical reasoning including secondary prevention, psychosocial assessment and specific pathobiological risk factors. Management from a multidimensional perspective, with regards to pathobiological, cognitive, affective and behavioural aspects. The principles of assessment and treatment of dynamic control of the pelvis, hip region and knee region. The assessment and management of craniofacial dysfunctions and related pain syndromes. The assessment and management of selected clinical syndromes (e.g. Shoulder-instability, Shoulder impingements, Lumbar Stenosis, Cervicogenic Headache). Upgrade, update and revision of cervical instability. Upgrade, update and revision of spinal manipulation (high velocity thrusts) Advanced skills in Clinical Reasoning in patient assessment and management

Fascijalne manipulacije Level 1 , studeni / prosinac  2019

Predavač :  Giorgio Rucli, PT, Međunarodni instruktor za FM, Udine, Italy, 
Jezik:  Engleski uz prijevod na hrvatski
Vrijeme održavanja:  Nova generacija krajem 9 mj 2025
Bodovano od HKF- 20 bodova
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